I’ve been thinking about FAITH

I have been thinking about FAITH, not the kind I learn from any religious training, but the kind that is expansive and travels beyond my own limited thoughts or yours.

FAITH as a noun, I feel across my back and into my toes, it is a bridge that crosses an expanse to others and it carries my imagination and builds association beyond words, emotions, images and thoughts.

If there is such a thing of particles within silence, it is FAITH that connects these particles together. In a teaching group I did recently, I asked the question about interconnectedness….all five women arrived dressed in grey and black! Is this coincidence, synchronicity, randomness or the collective unconscious becoming conscious through FAITH?

There are many people suffering in the world these days, we are in a time of discordance and tensions. There are many who are witnessing and holding their own suffering and those close to them. This is what we do as humans, we rejoice in our connections and we grieve our losses…these are the particles that weave us together.

This is what matters most, to be a part of the thread that is woven together….

Tell me, what is most important to you about your connections?


I want to write about faith,
about the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night,

faithful even as it fades from fullness,
slowly becoming that last curving and impossible
sliver of light before the final darkness.

But I have no faith myself
I refuse it even the smallest entry.

Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith.

— David Whyte